Saturday, January 5, 2008

No Country for Old Men-[2007]DVDSCR.XviD-DoNE

Plot Outline

The film opens with shots of desolate, wide-open country in West Texas in June 1980. In a voiceover, the local sheriff, Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), tells of the changing times as the region becomes increasingly violent. The key character of Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) and his weapon of choice — cattle gun — are introduced as he escapes police custody and steals a car by using the cattle gun to kill the car's driver. Meanwhile, Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), hunting antelope near the Rio Grande, comes across a collection of corpses and one dying Mexican, the aftermath of a drug deal gone sour. He also finds two million dollars in a suitcase. Initially taking the money and leaving the Mexican to die, Moss has an attack of conscience late that night and returns with water for the dying man. This good deed sets off a cat-and-mouse game in which the hunter and hunted frequently switch roles, as a gang of Mexicans, Moss, Chigurh, and Bell chase each other and the money across the Texas and Mexico landscapes.

Chigurh, a professional hitman, has been hired to retrieve the case of money, which has a transponder hidden in it, facilitating his assignment. Chigurh doesn’t hesitate to kill those standing in his way, including those closely associated with the drug deal (such as two mid-level lieutenants working for his employer), the drivers of cars he steals for transportation as he chases the money, and people he encounters by chance. Moss, unaware of the transponder's existence, sends his wife Carla Jean (Kelly Macdonald) out of town and jumps from motel to motel as he attempts to elude both the Mexicans and Chigurh. Bell, meanwhile avoids the federal authorities’ investigation of the murder and drug deal scene, and focuses his attention on trying to locate and protect Moss. Of these, only the heavily armed Mexicans actually come in physical contact with the others; New York Times critic A.O. Scott points out that Chigurh, Moss and Bell "occupy the screen one at a time, almost never appearing in the frame together, even as their fates become ever more intimately entwined".

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